- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between daily physical activity and regaining body fat after weight-loss. Methods: The subjects comprised 41 middle-aged females who participated in a 3-month exercise program from 2002 to 2003 and follow-up survey in 2006. Measures of height, body weight, percent body fat, dietary habits, and physical activity (PA) were collected before and after the program and the follow-up survey. PA was measured with accelerometer for 7 consecutive days in free-living conditions. The subjects were divided into two groups, according to the amount of change in percent body fat during after the program until the follow-up survey: one group (Regaining-G) gained more than one percent body fat, while the other (Non regaining-G) gained less than one percent. Results: A two-way (time×group) ANOVA revealed significant interactions for the number of steps per day and the time spent in light and moderate PA. The number of steps per day and the time spent in light and moderate PA showed a decrease in the follow-up period in comparison to after the program period for Regaining-G. On the other hand, there was no difference between the level of these PAs after the program period and the follow-up period for Non regaining-G. Conclusions: The time spent in light and moderate PA may affect the prevention of regaining body fat after weight-loss. This study also suggests that the number of steps per day may be a useful predictor of body fat maintenance after weight-loss.
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