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The corticothalamic Compact Model with time delay proposed by Kim and Robinson is analyzed focusing on the resting EEG, which can be described by the linear version of the model with white-noise input, under assumption of spatial homogeneity and temporal steadiness. After discussing availability and restriction of the model by comparing to the original Pre-Compact model, a data analysis method for the resting EEG using the model is presented. The experimental results analyzed by the method suggest that Eye-Closed state compared to Eye-Open state would be characterized by enhanced corticothalamic feedback and depressed cortical excitation. Validity of Reduced Equations derived in our previous paper is also investigated for the resting EEG, concluding that Reduced Equations would be available with some restriction for the resting EEG, although the center manifold theory on which Reduced Equations are based is justified at the edge of linear stability in principle.
小谷 潔
小川 雄太郎
小川 雄太郎
神保 泰彦
山口 郁博
Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
小川 雄太郎
Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
中尾 裕也
Gaduate School of Information Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
神保 泰彦
Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
小谷 潔
Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo
山口 郁博
中尾 裕也
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