Cambarus clarkiiに於ける末梢性抑制の機構について
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In the present paper, studies on the mechanism of the peripheral inhibition in the claw muscle of <I>Cambarus clarkii</I> were reported.<BR>The abductor muscle of the claw is supplied by two kinds of efferent fiber, i.e., the slow and inhibitory fibers, and the adductor by three kinds of efferent fiber, i.e., the fast, slow and inhibitory fiber.<BR>When repetitive stimuli are applied on the inhibitory fiber, tetanic contraction of the abductor muscle, which is caused by the slow fiber stimulation, is reduced.<BR>And its relaxation speed is accerelated by the stimulation of the inhibitory fiber.<BR>The inhibitory effect is stronger as the duration of the tetanic stimuli of the inhibitory fiber is longer.<BR>The electrogram of the abductor muscle was recorded by a cathode ray osillograph.<BR>The preceding inhibitory stimulation causes decrease of the end-plate potential in the abductor muscle.<BR>The authors concluded that the inhibition evoked by the stimulation of inhibitory fiber is due to the depressing effect of that fiber on the end-plate potential.<BR>The authors could not recognize inhibitory effect on the abductor muscle either in the twitch or in the tetanic contraction.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
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