- 論文の詳細を見る
Effects of eserine, di-isopropyl-fluorophosphate (DFP) and procain, of which the former two are known as anti-cholinesterases were studied, upon the spontaneous discharges of the abdominal ganglion. Immediately after the application of one of these agents on the ganglion, eminent promotion of the repetitive spike potentials occurs, both in their amplitudes and frequencies. Gradual diminishing of the excitability follows in the ganglion, and at last the spontaneous spike potentials cease to appear. But if such an inexcitable ganglion is washed by Harreveld's solution for 10 minutes or more, the excitability recovers to some extent and the repetitive spike potentials begin to appear. But the recovered spike potentials are lower than those before the application of the agents both in their amplitudes and frequencies. Administration of eserine of DFP causes diminishing of the content of the active cholinesterase in the ganglion. Such is not the case as the application of procain. Decrease in the amplitude of the spike potentials caused by eserine is proportional to the degree of decrease of the active cholinesterase in the ganglion. In the case of unilization of DFP, no intimate relation between the change of amplitude of the spike potential and the content of the active chorinesterase can be recognized. As is known, eserine can inhibit the action of the specific choliensterase, and DFP inhibits the nonspecific cholinesterase only. From the above-mentioned results, the following conclusion will be drawn that only the specifc cholinesterase parcipitates in the mechanism generating the spike potential in the neuron soma.
- 1958-04-15
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