- 論文の詳細を見る
In each breeding season, the embrace reflex appears in the forelegs of mating male toad or frog. As the embrace reflex is caused by the mechanical stimulation, applied on the abdominal skin of the male animal, we can evoke such a reflex in the laboratory in any time. As the material for the present experiment, the male Japanese toad (Bufo vnlgaris) was used, which was fixed on the bakelite plate in intact condition. A thin concentrical electrode was inserted into the flexor muscles (mainly into M. flexor carpi radialis), and the spike potentials of the single fiber of those muscles were led to the BRAUN'S bube through the 4 stage amplifier of CR-type. In this way the spike discharges, evoked by rubbing the sbdominal skin with an end of a rubber tube, were recorded photographically. In each case, spike discharges of nearly same strength appeared repeatedly with the interval of 0.5 to 0.8 sec., and they continued for the whole duration of skin stimulation. During the activity of the embrace response, we could not detect any spike discharges in the extensor muscles of the same animal. Spontaneous movements of the animal evoke spike discharges in the flexor muscles also, and their repetition is more vigorous, than that of embrace reflex. Effect of the rubbing stimulation is different according to the part of the abdominal surface, to where the stimuli are applied. It seems certain that the under-surface of the jaw is most sensitive to the stimulus, and thoracal part succeeds the former, but rubbing of the back skin causes no reflex. We could observe the similar spike potentials, led from the flexor of arms of male toad, mating in natural condition. The long continuing embrace response of male toad has been known to be caused by the tonic contraction of the flexor muscle. Nature of the tonic contraction was discussed from various standpoints, and we could conclude from our experiment that there are no fundamental differences between the tonic and ordinary contraction. For in both cases, normal spike discharges are clearly seen. As stimuli which evoke the embrace reflex are conducted centripetally along the skin nerve, it is clear that this reflex belong sto the so-called diffuse reflex or the multineuron-arc reflex.
- 社団法人日本動物学会の論文
- 1952-09-15
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