Allomorphosis between Body Length at Sexual Maturity and Body Length at Birth in the Cetacea
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1. Allomorphosis is studied on the relation between the body length at sexual maturity of the females and the body length at birth for 15 species of cetacea. 2. The allomorphosis shows one unit monophasic allometry in ODONTOCETI. 3. The allomorphosis of MYSTACOCETI differs from that of ODONTOCETI. 4. Among MYSTACOCETI, four species of the genus <I>Balaenoptera</I> follow one allometry line. However, <I>Megaptera, Eschrichtius</I> and <I>Eubalaena</I> are distributed between allometries of ODONTOCETI and <I>Balaenoptera</I>. 5. The following allometry formulas are obtained between the body length at sexual maturity of the females (LM, m) and the body length at birth (LB, m) :<BR><I>Balaenoptera</I> : L<SUB>B</SUB>=0.420 L<SUB>M</SUB><SUP>0.900</SUP><BR>MYSTACOCETI : L<SUB>B</SUB>=0.488 L<SUB>M</SUB><SUP>0.866</SUP><BR>ODONTOCETI : L<SUB>B</SUB>=0.532 L<SUB>M</SUB><SUP>0.916</SUP><BR>6. Allomorphosis between the two body lengths all show negative growth, and the smaller the species, the higher is the sexual maturity of the females.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
The Institute of Cetacean Research
The Whales Research Institute
Ohsumi S.
The Whales Research Institute
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- Allomorphosis between Body Length at Sexual Maturity and Body Length at Birth in the Cetacea