- 論文の詳細を見る
All the specimens of the Japanese water shrew, <I>Chimarrogale himalayica platycephala</I>, from Kyushu used in this study were obtained at the sides along clear streams less than 5 m in width in mountain districts, and its population size indicated an apparent decline. The body weight, external and cranial measurements of our 11 specimens (6 males and 5 females) and 4 individuals by YOSHIDA (1968) from Kyushu were compared with 43 individuals by FUZIWARA (1958), IMAIZUMI (1960) and ABE (1967) from Honshu. The female was smaller than the male and both sexes in Kyushu showed a tendency to be smaller than those in Honshu. Furthermore, as the result of a comparison of the size among the individuals from Honshu and Kyushu, those from Nepal by ABE (1971), and those from Fukien and Taiwan (including our 1 male) by JONES & MUMFORD (1971), this species shows a trend to become gradually larger from south toward north. The phenomenon that the shrew in Kyushu is smaller than that in Honshu is considered to be a representation of this cline.
毛利 孝之
白石 哲
毛利 孝之
Mori Takayuki
Department Of Zoology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kyusyu University
荒井 秋晴
荒井 秋晴
吉田 博一
吉田 博一
吉田 博一
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- Digestion of Bloodmeal Protein after Detachment in Nymphal Haemaphysalis longicomis
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- 久住高原地域のフタトゲチマダニ防除に関する基礎的研究(1) : ダニの生態に関する予報
- Home Range and Microchabitat Utilization in the Formosan Wood Mouse,Apodemus semotus
- Postnatal growth, development and ultrasonic vocalization, of young Japanese field voles, Microtus montebelli
- オ-ストラリアにおけるカンガル-産業
- Acquisition of Homeothermy in the Black-eared Kite, Milvus migrans lineatus
- Food Habits of the Black-eared Kite,Milvus migrans lineatus,in Nagasaki Airport and Its Adjacent Areas
- Demography of the Formosan Wood Mouse,Apodemus semotus
- Comparative Studies of Food Habits and Digestive Tracts in Two Apodemus Species
- A New Mole from Uotsuri-jima,the Ryukyu Islands
- Reproductive Biology of the Formosan Wood Mouse.Apodemus semotus
- Accumulation, Digestion and Excretion of Bloodmeal Protein during Feeding in Nymphal Haemaphysalis longicornis
- Gliding Flight in the Japanese Giant Flying Squirrel Petaurista leucogenys
- Age determination in the Smith's red-backed vole, Eothenomys smithii, using optic lens weight
- 九州産カワネズミについて〔英文〕