甲状腺腫瘍の超音波診断 (天理よろづ相談所病院耳鼻咽喉科開設15周年記念論文集)
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For the diagnosis of thyroid tumors, palpation, X-ray, RI-scintiphoto and biopsy have been employed. They are, however, insufficient for the determination of the characteristics of tumors, but also cause several side effects, such as spreading tumor cells and haemorrhage.In order to obtain more accurate information about thyroid tumors without any serious side effects, we employed B-mode ultrasonography to evaluate 223 patients with thyroid tumors. In 84 of the 223 patients tested, the correlation was examined between the results of ultrasonography and the histological findings.The results obtained were as follows:(1) On the basis of the presence or absence of echo within tumor pictures, the tumors were classified into the following 3 types, i. e., solid, cystic and mixed. The solid type tended to be malignant. In contrast, in the case of the cystic type, tumors tended to be benign with a few exceptions.(2) On the basis of echo structures within tumor pictures, the tumors were divided into the following two types, i. e., coarse and non-uniform or fine uniform. The latter echo has been considered to be indicative of benignity. However, the present examination revealed that in 45% of the tumors with the latter echo malignancy was proved histologically.(3) On the basis of marginal echo structure between tumors and the surrounding tissues, the tumors were classified into the following two types, i. e., smooth and irregular. In the case of the latter type, tumors tended to be malignant.In contrast, in the case of the former type, tumors tended to be benign with a few exceptions. There were nine patients with malignant tumors, four with cysts and five with encapsulated tumors.From these findings, we conclude that the classification of ultrasonographic echoes described in (1) and (3) are valuable in determining the characteristics of thyroid tumors.
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