Evaluation of high-voltage pharyngolaryngographs in patients with foreign body sensation in the throat.
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Sixty-three patients with foreign body sensation in the throat showing no marked organic diseases were asked about their complaints, the period of onset, therapeutic efficacy etc. All patients were examined by high-voltage radiographs of the pharyngolarynx and classified into six types. We separated the patients into a treated group and a non-treated group. The drugs used were lysozyme chloride only or alprazolam in addition to it.1. There was no sex difference, the average age was 53.0 years.2. There was no significant difference in improvement rating for subjective symptoms between the treated group and the non-treated group. The spontaneous remission rate in the non-treated group was about 32%.3. There was no significant difference between the radiographic classification groups.4. The longer the period from the onset, the lower the thrapeutic effect.5. It is very important to explain to patients thoroughly that there are no serious diseases in the throat and to show them the results of radiological examinations and to relieve cancer-phobia.
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