喉頭のepithelial hyperplasia
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Thirty cases of epithelial hyperplasia of the larynx following CO2 laser surgery in our department were evaluated histologically from November 1981 to May 1988. Furthermore, the ras oncogenes are implicated in the onset of some human tumors, and in cellular proliferation and terminal differentiation. Therefore, the ras-p21 proteins were immunohistochemically identified from the human specimens of carcinoma in situ and epithelial hyperplasia (dysplasia) by the Abidin-Biotin-peroxidase complex staining method which was strongly activated by ras expression. These results were in ascertaining for ras-p21 protein to be a signal of malignancy in positive staining rate. Over 70% of positive rate of staining in high grade dysplasia was compared with 40% of positive rate in low grade dysplasia. Furthermore, the phonatory functions following laser vaporization from the superficial layer of the propria mucosa to the deep layer (vocal ligament) in accordance with the severity of malignancy were examined and compared. The results were in keeping a rhythmical vibratory pattern of the mucous membrane when laser vaporization being limited into the vocal ligament.
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