Part 1. The Possibility of Predicting Prognosis before Treatment:Psycho-acoustical Point of View
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This is a very important but difficult problem. Sensorineural hearing disorders have generally been considered to be incurable and progressive, rapidly in some and extremely slowly in other cases. We now know, however, that some of them can fluctuate or even improve.In general, their prognosis has been predicted empirically and summarily from detailed anamneses and otological, acoustical and other clinical examinations.The authers assumed that interaction, feedback effect, and incidence probability of impulse would be in accord with the ratio of input to output capacity of the peripheral hearing mechanism.Under this assumption, we developed a stochastical model and discussed the relation ships among loudness growth, short tone audiometry and prognosis of sensorineural hearing disorders by correlating the level and slope of the temporal threshould curve of short tone audiometry with the temporal equal loudness contour at different sensation levels of the normal ear.Some cases of sensorineural hearing disorder were classified in to the following groups: 1) reversible or partially unreversible type, 2) cochlear level (hair-cell or neural) or 8th cranial nerve trunks, and 3) localized or diffuse disorders.
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- Part 1. The Possibility of Predicting Prognosis before Treatment:Psycho-acoustical Point of View
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