Surgery for Chronic Ear Disease in Children
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This paper describes a retrospective study of 44 children (50 ears) whose first ear operation was performed during the past four years.The most common disease was acquired cholesteatoma (27 cases), followed by 15 ears with simple chronic infection and 6 with cholesterol granulomas.On the basis of the analysis of cholesteatomas, the authors emphasize that cholesteatomas in children under the age of six years are more progressive and destructive, so early diagnosis and early operation are essential.The operative procedures for each disease and the postoperative results are discussed briefly.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
瀧本 勲
山田 一美
愛知医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
石神 寛通
稲福 繁
愛知医科大学 耳鼻咽喉科
杉山 貴志子
犬塚 一男
堀 瑞代
森本 高弘
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- はじめに
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- Surgery for Chronic Ear Disease in Children
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