新生仔ゴ-ルデンハムスタ-における蓋膜辺縁とコルチ器表面との接続形態について--Marginal Pillarの観察
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The marginal connection between the tectorial membrane and the upper surface of the organ of Corti in the neonatal golden hamster was studied by SEM with the styrene resin cracking method. In the development of the inner ear, the outer margin of the tectorial membrane makes contact with the upper surface of the third row of the Deiters' cell. This attachment can easily be deformed by the fixation, dehydration and drying procedures and often assumes column-like structures, which are called marginal pillars. Observation was made of the neonatal golden hamsters, which were decapitated under ether anesthesia almost everyday from the day of birth until 16 days after birth.1) Marginal pillars appeared in the lower turn on the 4th—6th day after birth and were seen most clearly on the 10th—14th day after birth. Marginal pillars disappeared on the 16th day after birth.2) Marginal pillars were seen on the upper surface of the third row of the Deiters' cell and their attachment to the under surface of the tectorial membrane was found at the medial portion, a short distance away from the outer margin.3) On the 5th—10th day after birth, the structures similar to marginal pillars were seen on the upper surface of the first and second rows of the Deiters' cell.Marginal pillars disappear after maturation of the sensory hairs in the golden hamster. Considering the findings from other mammals by other investigators, it seems that marginal pillars have the role of keeping the structural relationship between the tectorial membrane and the sensory hairs during the developing period of the organ of Corti and their disappearance indicates maturity of the organ of Corti.
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