Somatosensory nystagmus in normal subjects and labyrinthine loss cases.
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It is well known that somatosensory information is important in maintaining balance, as well as the visual and the vestibular inputs. However, it is difficult to analyse somatosensory input. Generally the analysis is done by the output of body sway and/or head movement, etc., but these outputs which consist of many components are difficult to analyse and to realize.The simplest combination of muscles is the eye muscles group, so we used eye movement to analyse somatosensory information; i. e. somatosensory nystagmus (Bles, 1983).The somatosensory contribution to nystagmus was demonstrated in stationary subjects stepping on a small circular treadmill (Rotary Drum System; Tönnies Co.) in darkness: the apparent stepping around test (Bles, 1981).Sixteen normal subjects and 20 with labyrinthine loss were tested clockwise and counterclockwise by this method.The slow build up of slow phase velocity (SPV) of somatosensory nystagmus and positive somatosensory after-nystagmus was found in normal subjects. On the other hand, there was a rapid increase of SPV of the somatosensory nystagmus and a lack of somatosensory after-nystagmus in patients with a bilateral loss of vestibular function.These results suggest that there is a direct and an indirect pathway for somatosensory nystagmus in the mathematical model of the somatosensory-visual-vestibular interaction, which will be dealt with in a separate study.The SPV of somatosensory nystagmus which receives information from all extremities is greater than the SPV of arthrokinetic nystagmus (Brandt, 1977) which receives input from the hands only.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
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- Somatosensory nystagmus in normal subjects and labyrinthine loss cases.