Therapeutic Experiences with Cor-Tyzine (Tetrahydrozoline Hydrochloride+Predonisolone) Nasal Solution in Several Diseases of Naso-Antral Regions
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Nasal solution of Cor-Tyzine which consists mostly of Tetrahydrozolin hydrochloride that has a powerful anti-hyperemic effect on the mucous membrane and Predonisolone which is prominently anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic was used in the treatment of several diseases of the naso-antral regions, getting the following results.1) In the patients with chronic catarrhal rhinitis, the ciliated epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity were noted so improved at 30 days after the use of the nasal solution as to be nearly the same as the ciliated epithelial cells of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity in normal subjects.2) In the patients with chronic catarrhal rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, acute catarrhal rhinitis, and allergic rhinitis, the results of use. of Cor-Tyzine were very good. In the patients with chronic sinusitis, the drug produced little or no improvements in objective signs but improved subjective 'symtoms to some extent. In the patients with post-operative chronic sinusitis, too, the drug was found to be worthy of use.3) Scarcely any side effect was observed except that 2 or 3 cases complained of a bitter taste at the naso-pharyngeal region and another case had nasal discharge and sneezing gradually after the nasal instillation of the drug. Those side effects which are generally known to be peculiar to adrenal cortical hormone did not occur at all following the administration of Cor-Tyzine. The therapeutic experiences with the drug have made us presume that it is suitable for administration over long periods of time.
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