- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to find the principles of treatment of aural polyps by clinical and histopathological investigation of 16 cases with aural polyps. Otological diagnosis of nine cases were cholesteatoma, two chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma, two myringitis granulosa, two subacute otitis media and one keratosis obturans. Aural polyps in two cases of subacute otitis media disappeared by conservative treatment, while one of miringitis granulosa and keratosis obturans needed polypectomy and other 12 cases were underwent mastoid surgery.<BR>The aural polyps which contains keratin debris indicated possible existence of underlying cholesteatoma, however the aural polyps without keratin cannot be excluded of possibility of underlying cholesteatoma. Therefore the decision of therapeutic measures of cases with auralpolyps should be made from the results of various diagnostic methods, especially otoscopy, conventional X-ray, CT scan, histopathological investigation. Observation of the conservative treatment is also important for the final decision making.
- 日本耳科学会の論文
- 1996-02-25
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