A study of photodynamic therapy against human cancer using a new photosensitizer (pheophorbide-a).
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I have studied photodynamic therapy on human cancer cells for the purpose of applying the therapy to the treatment of oral cancer.<BR>It was shown that pheophorbide-a (Ph-a) and hematoporphyrin derivative (HpD) had a strong killing action on culture cells using together with irradiation of light.The killing action of Ph-a was stronger than that of HpD.<BR>Moreover, it was revealed that Ph-a and HpD were taken in the cell by passive transport and were localized mainly in mitochondria.<BR>It was suggested that the killing mechanisms of photodynamic therapy resulted in the production of singlet oxygen.Furthermore, the growth of squamous cell carcinomas transplanted in nude mice were significantly suppressed by photodynamic therapy using Ph-a and Hp-D. Especially, the suppressive action of Ph-a was remarkable.<BR>Thus, these results strongly suggested that photodynamic therapy using a new photosensitizer, pheophorbide-a, would be a useful for cancer treatment.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
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