Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma with Bone Involvement A Case Report
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We have recently seen one case of alveolar soft part sarcoma that was first described by Christopherson in 1952, and had been reported as "malignant granular cell myoblastoma" or "malignant nonchromaffin paraganglioma" by some authors.An Indonesian man, thirty five years old, was admitted to this hospital in April 1967, with the chief complaint of swelling in the distal half in his left leg for six years.Physical examination revealed no abnormality except diffuse swelling about the distal half of the left leg.A roentgenogram revealed an osteolytic lesion in the distal metaphysis of the left fibula and a solitary lesion in his left lung field.Exploring the lesion in the leg, two tumors were located in the soleus muscle and flexor hallucis longus muscle respectively, and moreover, the latter tumor invaded the distal part of the fibula.The left lower extremity was amputated above the knee.The specimen consisted of oval, rubbery soft mass capsulated with a thin membrane, having grayish-yellow cut surface with several small cystic areas and zone of hemorrhage.Histological examination revealed an alveolar patter arranged in fairly uniform islands surrounded by fibrous septa.The basic cells are oval in most areas, and the cytoplasm is light eosinophilic and finely granulated with distinct cytoplasmic membrane. Nuclei are eccentrically placed.Regarding to a solitary pulmonary lesion that is suspected for metastasis, a subsegmental resection of the left lower lobe is planned to be carried out within a few days.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
前山 巌
佐藤 三郎
佐野 量造
入部 兼一郎
入部 兼一郎
前山 巌
国立がんセンター 整形外科
佐藤 三郎
国立がんセンター 整形外科
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