Studies of the congenital hip dislocation in the newborn.
- 論文の詳細を見る
From 1972 to 1982, 8098 newborn babies were examined, among which 962 babies were re-examined five months after birth, and 113 children were examined when they were five to seven years old.From 1978, when Ishida's diaper began to be used, the incidence of the newborn babies who probed positive in the click test has decreased. X-ray films of five to seven years old children were examined, who seemed to be normal at five months. Seventeen children were found to be abnormal in α angle or CE angle of their hips. It is recommended that five-year-old children in whom α angle above 27 degrees or CE angle below 14 degrees should be followed more carefully.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
小林 邦雄
徳久 俊雄
岩切 清文
宮元 修一
和田 研
亀山 博生
吉富 健
中間 秀雄
佐井 勇二郎
Nobeoka Sai Hospital
徳久 俊雄
県立宮崎病院 整形外科
小林 邦雄
県立宮崎病院 整形外科
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