Proprioceptive exercise for knee ligament injury and its evaluation.
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Many reports about knee rehabilitation have focused mainly on muscle exercise and range of motion. However, little attention has heed given to neuromuscular coordination. Neuromuscular system provides functional stability of the knee joint.Proprioceptive exercise (neuromuscular coordination) has been given to patients with knee ligament injuries as conservative treatment or postoperative exercise. KINCOM isokinetic exercise apparatus has been used to evaluate the effect of the proprioceptive exercise. The patient was positioned on the table with the knee flexed at a 90 degree angle and instructed to move the upper portion of the lower thigh of affected side backward as quickly as possible when the arm of the apparatus moves suddenly slightly forward which is felt on the lower part of the leg. Three patients were evaluated by this method and it was observed that their reactive speed increased as the exercise progressed. Proprioceptive exercise provides protection to the knee from reinjury and stabilization to the knee more dynamically.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
吉村 理
中山 彰一
堤 文生
井原 秀俊
高柳 清美
九州労災病院 リハビリテーション科
堤 文生
九州労災病院 リハビリテーション科
吉村 理
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