Surgical Treatment of the Lateral Clavicalar Fracture.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We retrospectively reviewed cases of 23 of 35 patients who underwent operative treatment for distal clavicular fractures in Fukuoka Orthopedic Hospital. The average age was 32.5 years. There were 17 males and 6 females. In 20 cases osteosynthesis was done, and in 3 cases resection of distal part of the clavicle was performed. 19 cases out of 20 treated by ostesynthesis made satisfactory results. Only one of tree cases that had delayed union received limited range of motion. There was no case of nonunion.
徳永 純一
吉本 隆昌
王 享弘
濱 渉
後藤 元徳
浅野 茂利
八塚 知二
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