A Clinical Study of 4 Cases of Glomus Tumor in the Knee.
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A clinical study was made of 4 glomus tumors in the knee treated between 1977 and 1991.Patients comprised 2 men and two women, ranging in age from 33 to 64 years. Time between onset and treatment ranged from 1-10 years. The most characteristic symptom of the glomus tumor is tenderness or pain of varying degrees. All 4 patients had either pain or tenderness with one exhibiting pain on touch and servere tenderness, and one had paroxysms associated with a change in the temperature, especially cold temperatures. Surgical excision was performed on all patients, with all symptoms relieved post-operatively.Histopathological examination showed that, 3 of the glomus tumors were of the vascula tvne and one was solid.
- 西日本整形・災害外科学会の論文
- 教育研修講座 「オルトペディ」の起源造語者ニコラ・アンドリ(Nicolas Anrry,1658-1742)--付・以後の整形外科小史
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