Two Cases of Pustulotic Arthro-Osteitis.
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We experienced two cases of pustuloticarthro-osteitis (PAO) with hyperostosis. The first case was a sixty-year-old female who developed a protrusion in the left sternocastoclaiclar side with pain and swelling. Pathological finding following biopsy of the protrusion revealed inflammatory granulation tissue. After admission, she had pusturosis palmaris et plantaris (p. p. p) and diagnosed her as having PAO. The second case was a forty-six-year-old female who presented with a protrusion on the left side of her sternocastoclavicular joint with pain and swelling in addition to fever and neck pain. She showed abnormal X-rays in the spine, and sternocastoclavicular joint. Pathological biopsy findings of the protrusion revealed inflammatory granulation tissue. After admission, she had P. P. P. thus we diagnosed this case as PAO.
今給黎 尚典
今給黎総合病院 形成
鬼丸 高茂
溝口 成朋
野澤 洋平
新門 裕三
長野 芳幸
児玉 太郎
吉見 洋志
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