Follow-up after Treatment of Mallet Fingers with Ishiguor's Procedure.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We reviewed 23 fingers (22 cases) which had mallet fractures treated by Ishiguro's procedure since 1989. Subjects included sixteen males and six females. Patient's ages ranged from fourteen to sixty-one years with an average of thirty-five years. Follow-up period after surgery ranged from two to twenty-six months (mean, 10.5 months) . We removed the K-wires at four to six weeks after the operation. Twenty-two cases achieved bony union but there was one case of non-union. The range of motion of their DIP joints was almost full. No cases had pain or disturbance of activities of daily living. We concluded that Ishiguro's procedure is a very reliable method to treat mallet fracture.
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