The Impact of Changes to Japanese Employment System on the Employment and Human Resource Development of the younger generation
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This paper discusses the impact of changes to Japanese employment system on the employment of the younger generation, on academic background, and attended schools.<BR>Changes to the Japanese employment system do not serve to undermine its merits, but instead should be viewed as a correction to continue those merits. Potential directions for change include reducing the numbers of new graduates hired, reevaluating selection methods for late applicants, decreasing the number of candidates that enter into human resources training, and increasing expectations for selfdevelopment. Reducing the numbers of new graduates hired not only simply worsens the employment outlook for young people, but also could result in greater hiring disparity for differences in academic background or attended schools. A re-evaluation of the selection method for late applicants could have result in a greater tendency to place emphasis on the candidate's attended school as a selection criterion. Furthermore, decreasing the number of candidates who enter into human resources training, and increasing expectations for self-development could raise the social requirements for specialized degree programs such as business schools, but this leads to a reduction in the relative worth of university graduates, and runs the risk of causing new employment problems for younger people.<BR>These kinds of changes to the Japanese employment system run the risk of worsening the employment outlook for young people and widening the disparities of academic background or attended school. Therefore, in the future, there is an increased requirement for corrective actions to reduce disparity between permanent employees and non-permanent employees, and the establishment of programs for personal development and management of non-permanent employees.
- 北海道社会学会の論文
- 第5章 組織のイノベーションと知識活用 (柔軟性と専門性 : 大学の人材養成課題の日欧比較 : 第2部 卒業生のキャリア調査から見た日欧大学教育の諸課題)
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- 体験型インターンシップの役割の再検証と仮説の設定・検証による向上効果(I 論文・研究の部)
- インターンシップの多様化と体系化 : キャリア発達段階における位置づけと役割(II 学会大会の部)
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- インターンシップの多様な展開に向けて(II学会大会の部,インターンシップの新展開(II))
- 成果主義の導入による社内への影響と企業特性による相違についての実証分析(山田定市教授退職記念号)
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- インターンシップにおける教育的意義
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- 177 インターンシップにおける教育的意義 : 北海道における取組事例を中心に(インターンシップ・MOT教育(技術経営・技術政策教育),第45セッション)
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- 第10章 日本へのインプリケーションの考察 (諸外国の第三段階教育における職業統合的学習)
- 話題提供「学会員に対するアンケート調査から見た研究と実践ニーズ」(大会総括,日本インターンシップ学会第12回大会,III 学会大会の部)
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- 英国における若年者の雇用・就業政策 : コネクションズ政策を中心に(第3部)
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- 雇用情勢の現状と今後の見通し (企業のリストラと雇用問題)
- The Impact of Changes to Japanese Employment System on the Employment and Human Resource Development of the younger generation