Lake Sediments High-resolution Recorder of Environmental Changes. Paleomagnetic Dating Using Geomagnetic Secular Variations and Excursions from Lake Sediments in Japan.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Paleomagnetic studies of lake bottom sediments in Japan have been reviewed to establish a method of magnetostratigraphic dating using geomagnetic secular variations and excursions. For the last 11.6ka, declination and inclination changes can be used as magnetostratigraphic time markers for dating. For the last 60ka, the inclination record from the top 60m of the 200m-core from Lake Biwa may be used for dating with magnetostratigraphic correlation. Tephrochronological data recently published revise the ages of the geomagnetic excursions in the Lake Biwa 200m-core. The excursion at 54m, formally known as the Blake event, is a new one from about 56ka. The Biwa I excursion at 83m, newly dated as 116ka, should correspond to the Blake event. The Biwa II excursion at 131m is newly dated as 188ka. We propose that the three thin zones of negative inclination at 25.8m, 33.8m, and 35.2m are excursions, having occurred at 24ka, 33ka, and 34ka. The six geomagnetic excursions from the Lake Biwa 200m-core are useful for magnetostratigraphic dating for the last 300ka around Japan.
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