臨海部における地盤環境問題 (災害とその予測--第4紀研究の果たす役割<特集>)
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A waterfont zone, located at the boundary between the sea and the land, is likely to incur serious damage by natural disasters.Representative bay areas in Japan, such as Tokyo, Ise, Osaka, and Ariake, have vast alluvial plains lying behind them. These areas are typical weak ground zones. To add to the danger, there are always large urban area and vast reclaimed land just on the weak ground.The weak ground along the Tokyo Bay area consists of the Holocene Yurakucho Formation and the uppermost Pleistocene Nanagouchi Formation. The sediment composing both formations is called “Chuseki-so”deposits by geotechnical engineers and applied geological engineers in Japan.The geotechnical evaluation of the ground is affected by the complex buried topography beneath the“Chuski-so”deposit. Generally speaking, the thinner the“Chuseki-so”deposit is, the better the ground condition is from geotechnical point of view.Reclaimed land is made by using dredged and pumped up sandy soil near sea bottom. Reclaimed layers are very loose because of their extremely short diagenetic geological age. And land reclamation often worsen the water environment in the bay.Consequently, it is clear that waterfront zones are vulnerable to earthquakes, typhoons, heavy rains, land subsidence, etc. In reclaimed land, the potential for damage by liquefaction during earthquakes has become a major concern in recent years. Typhoons bring damage from tidal waves and storms.Countermeasures against earthquakes and typhoons are indispensable in the waterfront zone. In addition, artificial beaches such as those created by retaining walls with gentle slopes and shallow sea shores are necessary to remediate water polluted by reclamation.
- 日本第四紀学会の論文
- 2398 理学情報収集の必要性とマニュアル化
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- 埋立地の地質 (その3) : 埋立土層の層相変化について : 応用地質
- 埋立地の地質(その2) : 埋立土の粒度特性 : 応用地質
- 埋立土の密度について : 応用地質
- 888.東京港における生ごみ埋立て地盤について(廃棄物の処理と利用)
- 東京港埋立地における建設残土の問題
- 廃棄物問題をめぐる地質学者の夢
- 11. 東京圏をめぐる人工地層
- 臨海部における地盤環境問題 (災害とその予測--第4紀研究の果たす役割)
- 5 廃棄物埋立層下の不整合について
- "沖積層"の形成史からみた湖沼 : 東京港地区を例として
- 会員向け見学会同乗記
- 沖積層問題と湖沼研究への期待 : コメント
- 306 埋立地の地質 (その5) : 埋立地の地下水
- 419 東京港地区における地盤種別分類について
- 397 続成史からみた"沖積層"の土質工学的性質 : 物理特性
- 埋立地盤の形成史と液状化現象について
- 東京港における埋立地について : 埋立地の地質学的考察
- 東京港における埋立地について(コメント) : 都市地質学
- 722.東京港における埋立て地盤の性状
- "沖積層"の土質工学的性質 : とくに東京港地区を例として
- 東京港の開発とその歴史 : 戦後の開発を中心に(東京湾)
- 臨海部における地盤環境問題 (災害とその予測--第4紀研究の果たす役割)