- 論文の詳細を見る
A volcanic ash and two different drift pumices were detected in the Upper Pleistocene Katanishi Formation, Oga Peninsula, Akita Prefecture, Northeast Honshu, Japan. On the basis of the petrographic and stratigraphic studies of these tephras, it is concluded that the ash is the Aso-4 ash ejected at about 74ka BP from the Aso Caldera, Central Kyushu, one of the most prominent marker tephras of the Late Pleistocene in Japan; one of the drift pumices which lies just on the Aso-4 ash on the Anden Coast is identified as the Aso-4 pyroclastic flow deposits, and the other, found in the uppermost part of the Formation at its type section, is identified as Sambe-Kisuki pumice fall deposits which erupted at about 80-90ka BP from the Sambe volcano in Shimane Prefecture, San' in District, Southwestern Honshu, Japan.Based on this study, the following stratigraphic and paleo-oceanographic evaluations are obtained. The Katanishi Formation, from which the Toya ash (90-100ka) had been detected, is ascertained to be correlated with the Obaradai Formation in Southern Kanto, which is one of the standard Quaternary areas in Japan. The correlation with the Shimosueyoshi Formation, which was deposited during the last high stand of sea level in the Pleistocene in Southern Kanto, should be defined in the Quaternary sequence underlying the Katanishi Formation. The existence of drift pumice derived from Southwestern Japan indicates that the northeastward ocean current had been flowing in the Japan Sea at about 80-90 and 70ka BP.
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