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In this paper an optimal programming model is studied for the multi-project planning of the regional development.Since the regional planning includes various development projects, it is requested for planners to make the multi-project planning being effective and attractive for the regional development.First, to satisfy this request the model is formulated as the multi-project planning model under such restrictions as the budgeting restriction and the sequential restriction by the predetermined project undergoing and payment returning. There are 2 types of the sequential restriction, project undergoing sequence and payment returning sequence. It is very difficult to solve the optimal solution. However, in this paper, the algorithm that gives the optimal solution under such kind of sequential restriction is presented by the methematical way.Second, the algorithm to obtain an optimal solution of multi-project planning under the 2 types sequential restriction is developed in the same style as network planning and scheduling algorithm with the resource allocation problem under the resource restriction. The feature of the developed algorithm is, 1) The original network - the project undergoing network and the payment returning network - is divided to the groups that is consisted by the projects that can be undergone at the same time. This is called as “Cuts”. The original network can be reformed as the cuts sequence. This is called as “Cuts network”.2) The schedule of projects can be obtained by checking feasibility of each resource allocation step by step using cuts and cuts sequence.3) Two mathematical tools are used. The optimization in each cut is regarded as the knapsack problem. And the optimization in the cut network is regarded as to find the optimal path in the cut network. This can be solved by using the dynamic programming.At last, the model developed here is applied to practical regional development project planning problem in which 14 main projects are planned individually and the request to planner is to obtain optimal total schedule of 14 projects. It is confirmed that the model works well to obtain an optimal solution of the targed problem.
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