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It is very desirable and important for urban comprehensive planning to make assure smooth traffic flows in urban area produced by various social and economical urban activities. In this study traffic congestion problem and relating problems caused by newly developed large-scale shopping center in urbanized district are focussed from the urban planning point of view. For analyzing mutual relationship among improvement of traffic facilities, development of urban facilities and activation of social and economical urban activities which has strong relation with traffic behaviors from the systematic viewpoint, it is requested theoretically to implement various system analyses about the mechanism of traffic behaviors in actual urban activities aiming to establish an effective recognition and system or mathematical modeling of this mechanism.This study developed an effective and practical planning model for planning and designing traffic and urban facility which can break up above problems caused by visitors and passenger in the district around the shopping center. The planning model discussed here consists of two different types of system model combined mutually from the planning functional viewpoint as follows: The first is a traffic simulation system model to obtain traffic condition under such existing or planned condition of traffic facility and facilities of the shopping center as physical conditions of street faced the shopping center location and scale of parking and location of entrances of shopping center. The second is the optimal planning and designing model aiming to obtain desirable plan and design of traffic facility faced to the shopping center and the shopping center facilities related to in and out traffic flow which can break up or reduce effectively urban problems around the center and can also secure safety in movement of behavior by pedestrians and visitors around there.Finally, the planning model is applied to the practical case of large-scale shopping center at Seta of Otsu-city of Shiga-Prefecture in Japan. On this case study, the planning model is formulated for improving visitors and passengers behaviors comfortably and safely.And the planning model developed in this study works very well giving effective information for planning and design of the traffic facilities and the facilities of shopping center.
- 日本地域学会の論文
馬場 美智子
春名 攻
山田 幸一郎
春名 攻
馬場 美智子
山岸 洋明
立川 賢二
馬場 美智子
山田 幸一郎
春名 攻
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