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The Vertical distribution of glycollate-utilizing bacteria in the water column of Shiozu Bay (Lake Biwa) was observed in the summer and winter seasons. In the summer season glycollate-utilizing bacteria were found abundant in the euphotic layer in which the excretion activity of phytoplankton was very high in comparison with deeper layers. In the winter season, however, relatively small numbers of glycollate-utilizing bacteria were distributed evenly in the water column from surface to bottom. The activity of glycollate uptake by the natural microbial population of Shiozu Bay, Lake Biwa was studied in different seasons by de-termining kinetic parameters. The maximum velocity of glycollate uptake by the microbial population varied within the range of 0.94-7.69×10-4mg/hr in summer and 0.32-1.19×10-4mg/l/hr in winter. The magnitude of in situ uptake was similar to that of in situ production of glycollate by phytoplankton. These data suggest that the excretion of glycollate by phytoplankton during photosynthesis has a large influence upon the seasonal and vertical changes in bacterial flora in the water column of Shiozu Bay.
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