南氷洋産オキアミ,Euphausia superbaの熱特性
- 論文の詳細を見る
The thermal characteristics of fresh antarctic krill were studied on board a ship of the coast of Wilkes Land, 64-65°S, 110-117°E, Antarctic Ocean, in January 1978. The density, specific heat, and heat conductivity of fresh gravid females were measured immediately after the catch, the values 1.03×103 ?? 1.04×103 (kg/m3), 0.88 (kcal/kg•°C), and 0.64 (kcal/m•h•°C) were obtained. The above data were found to be not very different from those measured on the frozen samples after storage for few months. A temperature-time course curve of the krill body heated at 90°C was drawn for three different body sizes on the basis of the above figures for the thermal characteristics.
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- タイトル無し