- 論文の詳細を見る
The present study was undertaken to investigate effect of the remaining diets on aquatic microflora in a fish culture pond using a continuous flow culture system as a model. Almost all the diets were decomposed within 10-20 days after introduction. During the first stage of the decomposition, the Vibrionaceae, Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas increased rapidly, and at the second stage genus Clostridium also became a predominant component. However, these orgainsms except for Pseudomonas were replaced with mainly Acinetobacter and Moraxella after almost all the diets were decomposed and consumed. These results suggest that a certain tendency of continuous replacement of microflora exists during the decomposition of organic matter in the culture ponds.
- 日本水産學會の論文
杉田 治男
出口 吉昭
長屋 美砂緒
新井 秀玄
岡田 重明
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