- 論文の詳細を見る
The present report dealt with the shooting speed (the time needed to shoot a section of about 34m length) of 37 settings of salmon drift net each about 100 sections long in the Japan Sea by the R. V. “Hakusan-maru”. And the following results are obtained: 1. It took 8.2 to 13.4 sec to shoot a section on the string average, except the time to shoot the initial and final ends of a string. 2. The maximum retardation of shooting speed by the fore-and-aft vector of wind was estimated to be 2.3 sec/section (29°C of the time under no wind and wave), due to wind drift of boat. That by the athwartships vector was 1.5 sec/section (19°C), because the wind from star-board over some level and from port increased the possibility of sinker line tangling with cork line. And that by wind wave was 1.4 sec/section (18°C). 3. The standard deviation of shooting speed (maximum being 4.1 times of minimum), which represents irregular tautness within a string, increased with retardation in shooting speed (maximum being 1.6 times of minimum), which is one of the indicators of difficulty in smooth shooting.
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