- 論文の詳細を見る
Since Fe-bound P in sea sediment reacts with H2S and liberates phosphate ion into water, it may be associated directly with the emergence of red tide. Thus, it is important to know their contents in the sediment. However, there has been no method to extract Fe-bound P alone, although several methods can extract both Fe-and Al-bound P at the same time. The solubilties of FePO4 and AlPO4, which are usual components of Fe-and Al-bound P, are minimized near pH 6. Therefore, Fe-bound P alone may be extracted provided that Na2S solution is added to the suspension of sea sediment, after the pH was so adjusted that with the maleate buffer solution a value of near 6 was obtained. Actually, FePO4-P alone was extracted from the mixture of FePO4 and AlPO4 and the various amounts of FePO4-P purposely added to sample sediments were extracted quantitatively by adding the maleate buffer solution, successively the Na2S solution. For the practical use of this method, the necessary conditions were examined and described. By devising this method, Fe-bound P and Al-bound P were distinguished. Since Na2S is converted largely to H2S during the extraction of Fe-bound P from the sediment, "H2S-extraction method" was given to this method.
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