毒物に対する魚の反応に関する研究-I : 魚類の嫌忌反応を試験するための濃度傾斜槽
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A number of investigators have devised avoidance tanks of different types for studying the reactions of fishes to toxic substances, atmospheric gases or temperature (1)-(7). Those tanks were, however, not so convenient for the performance of studies as mentioned above, because of the unstability of toxic gradient formed, and the difficulty of operation for the tank to work properly. Especially, it made the accomplishment of the studies difficult to have to repeat the tests, making use of various concentrations of a toxicant and also exchanging used fishes for unused fishes in each test. The present author has made a new designed gradient tank in which the concentration of toxicant introduced at one end decreased gradually with the distance that the stream moved down toward the outlet at opposit end. When fishes were put into the tank, they detected the unfavorable concentrations of toxic gradients and escaped away to the safe concentrations. The estimation of the concentrations of toxic substances which fishes avoid of, or prefer for has become, therefore, much easier than before. This paper, thus, deals with the structure of the new tank and the gradients formed in it.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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