- 論文の詳細を見る
In mammals, trehalase is specifically localized in brush border membranes of intestine and kidney.<BR>The reported values of some basic properties of intestinal and renal trehalase from mammals are similar : optimum pH, kinetic parameters of different animal species are of the same order of magnitude. On the contrary, very different molecular weights reported might be related to the solubilization procedures and to the methods of molecular weight determination. Using H<SUB>2</SUB>O-D<SUB>2</SUB>O sucrose density gradient centrifugation, molecular weight of native renal trehalase is calculated to be about 110, 000. Renal and intestinal trehalase are composed of the subunits (2 or 4 ?) of the same molecular weight.<BR>In kidney, there are four species (forms) of trehalase. Intestinal and renal trehalase are different in the susceptibility to sodium dodecyl sulfate and Con A-sepharose interaction. It is probable that this difference is due to involving difference forms of trehalase in intestine and in kidney.<BR>Physiological role of trehalase is discussed.
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