- 論文の詳細を見る
3. Tubercle bacilli stained on the cavity wall and results of culture: Even when the amount of intracavitary caseous mass was small, tubercle bacilli were observed on the wall of sclerotic walled cavity in 45% of the cases, although their number was very small, and in such cases, culture of caseous mass showed negative results, except one. In some of Kd-type cavity, however, the result of culture of caseous mass showed even when only a few bacilli were found on the stained section. In the group of cases, cavities of which disappeared during chemotherapy, the result of culture was usually negative, while many bacilli which had a marked tendency to show granular structure were found on stained sections of caseous mass. Most of the cultivated bacilli showed resistance to INN, and nearly half of them showed resistance to SM and/or PAS.<BR>4. Relation between the amount of tubercle bacilli and histological findings of cavity wall: In the cases which had numerous bacilli in the cavity, such as, drug-resistant cases, the granulation tissue of the cavity wall showed a marked hyperemia, a new formation of capillary blood vessels, sometimes, edema, and contained abundant leucocytes in caseous mass. These phenomena subside with the decrease of the bacilli and caseous mass on the cavity wall, and disappear in the clean walled cavity. Relationship between the amount of bacilli on the cavity wall and the degree of reaction of the cavity wall could be drawn from the above mentioned facts. In the cases which showed thick caseous mass on the cavity wall, the reactions of the wall were less, even when many bacilli were seen on the surface of thick caseous mass. Arginophilic fibres in the caseous mass were seen to be quelled and finally disappeared when many leucocytes had migrated into caseous mass.<BR>Comment: During chemotherapy, the number of tubercle bacilli decreases gradually, and caseous mass on cavity wall is excreted. The granulation tissue of the cavity wall become more hyperemic, new formation of capillary blood vessels occurs vigorously, epitheloid cells changes to atrophic, and specific granulation tissues have been mostly displaced by the small round cell infiltration with capillary vessels, namely, unspecific granulation tissue. On such hyperemic cavity w alls, the imigration of leucocyte into caseous mass is accelerated, resulting softening and liquefaction of caseous mass.<BR>When a cavity decreases its size markedly and rapidly, hyperemia and new formation of blood capillary vessels of granulation tissue is rather few, and epitheloid cells are rather proliferative. Furthermore, the amount of tubercle bacilli on the cavity wall showed some rela tionship to the degree of unspecific reaction of cavity wall.<BR>From these facts, it is thought that unspecific granulation tissue does not mean a good result of chemotherapy, but rather mean a result of unhealed open state of cavity for a certain period under chemotherapy. With the decrease of tubercle bacilli and caseous mass on cavity wall by effect of chemotherapy, the hyperemia of granulation tissue and leucocyte imigration into caseous mass subside, and the tendency of softening and discharge of caseous mass on cavity wall also decreases. In such a way, open negative syndrome may appear.<BR>In the cases which show resistance to drugs, numerous bacilli in a cavity provoke hyperemia, sometimes edema of granulation tissue, and cause now necrosis of granulation tissue on the other hand.
- 一般社団法人 日本結核病学会の論文
岩井 和郎
青木 正和
亀田 和彦
稲垣 博一
工藤 賢治
小林 栄二
岩崎 竜郎
多賀 誠
初鹿 野浩
- 臨床医学の視点からする粒子状物質の健康影響((1)健康影響,3.1.4 影響から見た分野別研究,3.1 専門分野別研究,3.大気環境研究の新展開,創立50周年記念号)
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- 小型肺野癌のX線学的特徴について
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- 16.X線像から見た肺野型小型肺癌の診断 : 第36回支部活動 : 関東支部
- 肺 Myvobacterium avium coplex 症の結核類似空洞型と結節性気管支拡張型, その発症要因に対する基礎的立場からの検討
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- 26 サルコイドーシスにおける経気管支肺生検の意義について(サルコイドーシス)
- 370 末梢気管支・肺胞上皮におよぼす排ガス粒子の影響に関する形態学的観察 : 増生性病変と腫瘍性病変
- 30 気管支結核の病理学的検討(続報)(気管支結核)
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- 抗酸菌免疫研究の動向1997-2005
- 12.気管支病変を呈する肺Mycobacterium-avium Complex症の病理学的所見についての検討(第96回日本気管支学会関東支部会)
- 第23回日本肺癌学会北海道支部会 : 9.肺胞蛋白症罹患30年後に発症した肺胞上皮癌の1例
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- 肺平滑筋腫の二治験例
- 3.右上腕に発生した悪性血管腫の肺転移の1例(第60回日本肺癌学会関東支部会)
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- 生前に原発臓器を確認しえなかった転移性肺癌の1例
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- 2G0915 排ガス6・9・12カ月間暴露によるラットに於ける30カ月後の肺腫瘍発生
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- 17.一肺Pseudolymphomaの1例 : 第74回肺癌学会関東支部
- 血清アンジオテンシン変換酵素活性--測定法と正常値
- 肺野型肺癌の組織型とX線像
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- 小型肺野孤立性陰影に対する診断的抗結核剤治療の意義について : 第14回日本肺癌学会総会演題抄録
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- 2.ブレオマイシンの副作用.肺線維症の臨床面・病理面 : 公募シンポジウム「ブレオマイシンの副作用とくに肺病変について」 : 第33回支部会 : 関東支部
- ディ-ゼル排気ガスの発癌性リスク
- 7. 腫瘍中枢側の血管増生所見の検討(第 31 回関東気管支研究会)
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- 肺癌の早期発見に関する2,3の問題 : 主として集団検診に関連して : 放射線診断
- 肺癌診断の現状分析 : 早期診断の立場から : 診断
- 肺癌誤診例の解析 : 早期診断の立場から : (III)肺癌の早期診断
- 79 肺癌・肺外臓器癌に伴う癌性胸膜炎の臨床病理学的研究
- 浮遊粒子状物質の健康影響に関する研究の動向 : 環境大気対策の新しいTarget
- 超微小粒子の生体影響について(大気中微小粒子の性状と健康影響)
- 超微小(ナノ)粒子の生態影響をめぐって : 微小粒子との比較で
- 肺癌リスクの考えかた(入門講座)
- ディーゼル車排出粒子によるヒト肺癌リスク試算(有害大気汚染物質のリスク評価)
- 20.血痰と胸部異常影を主訴とし, 診断に難渋した原発性肝癌の1例(第76回日本肺癌学会関東支部会)
- 14年間,37℃で流動パラフィン重層の液体培地で保存した結核菌の生態(昭和53年度第24回凍結及び乾燥研究会特別報告および研究報告)
- ディーゼル排ガス粒子中の多環芳香属炭化水素化合物の呼吸器沈着率について
- 結核病理
- 癌性リンパ管症の病理 : 進展様式を中心に
- 日本の非結核性抗酸菌症死亡に関する統計的分析
- I-D-46 "気管支腺腫"10例の臨床的検討
- 18.胸腺原発と思われる未分化癌の1剖検例(第77回日本肺癌学会関東支部会)
- 岡治道
- 結核病理
- 肺結核に対するRifampicin治療に関連して : ―RFP使用例の切除肺空洞内結核菌培養成績から―
- 二次抗結核薬の耐性に関する研究
- 肺結核の切除病巣内結核菌培養に関する共同研究
- 125 腫瘍の肺転移へ及ぼす二酸化窒素、ディーゼル排出ガスの影響
- RFP使用中に陰影増大をみた肺結核切除例の組織学的観察 : その発症要因の考察
- 類上皮細胞肉芽腫の形成をめぐつて : 他の肉芽腫性疾患との関連の下に
- 青壮年にみられた肺門リンパ節結核の6例
- 結核性膿胸の病理学的研究
- 先天性結核の一症例
- 肺結核症における右室肥大についての研究
- 結核菌と結核症の考古学 : その発生から世界流行まで
- タイトル無し
- Characterization of TCR γδ lymphocytes expanded in the peripheral blood of active sarcoidosis
- Clinical study of TCR γ δ cell in peripheral blood of Sarcoidosis
- REP使用下の結核性空洞の組織所見--1次剤使用例との対比
- A Case of Sarcoidosis Complicated by Pulmonary Tuberculosis Resulted in the Remission Status with Unique Clinical Course.
- タイトル無し
- Clinical study of γ δ T cell in peripheral blood of Sarcoidosis
- CT Finding of Chronic Sarcoidosis
- タイトル無し
- Studies of CT images around the lung fissure of sarcoidosis in reference to fibrosis
- Study on recent autopsy cases of sarcoidosis in Japan
- Three cases of Sarcoidosis with concomitant Tuberculosis
- タイトル無し
- Computed tomographic study of sarcoidosis
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し