Eicosapolyenoic Acids of Serum Lipids of Japanese Islanders with Low Incidence of Cardiovascular Diseases
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Japanese are unique among the peoples of developed count-ries in having a high intake of eicosapentaenoic acid (C 20:5) from fresh fish and this may in part contribute to their low incidence of cardiovas-cular diseases. Mass spectroscopic analyses of eicosapolyenoic acids (C 20:3, C 20:4 and C 20:5) were carried out on the serum of aged persons living on Kohama island in Okinawa and known to have the lowest incidence of cardiovascular diseases in Japan. All but 4 of the 77 persons examined (73.94±7.81 years old) led active fishing-farming lives. The total amount of eicosapolyenoic acids in the serum of persons on Kohama island (46.77±7.46 mg/ 100 ml) was higher (p<0.001) than that in people on mainland Japan, owing to the higher intake of fresh fish (147.7g/day). A positive correlation (p<0.01) was found between serum C 20: 5 concentration (6.82+2.54 mg/100 ml) and high density lipoprotein concentration (55.38±13.83 mg/100 ml). In addition, there were positive correlations (p<0.01) between serum C 20: 3 concentration (6.58+1.61 mg/100 ml) and total cholesterol (188.60±32.30 mg/ 100 ml), and triglyceride and skinfold thickness. The blood pressure level (p<0.01), incidence of abnormal ECG (p<0.05), and salt intake (6.2-8.3g/ day) estimated from urinalysis, were all lower than the average figures for Japanese of similar ages. No persons examined showed Q-wave on ECG. The percentage of smokers and drinkers were similar for Kohama island and mainland Japan.
- 財団法人 学会誌刊行センターの論文
香川 靖雄
香川 靖雄
Department of Biochemistry
西沢 正豊
Department of Biochemistry
鈴木 実
Department of Biochemistry
宮武 正
Department of Biochemistry
浜本 敏郎
Department of Biochemistry
後藤 公彦
Department of Biochemistry
本永 英治
Department of Biochemistry
泉川 寛元
Department of Biochemistry
平田 晴男
Department of Biochemistry
海老原 昭夫
Cardiology, Jichi Medical School
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