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Only Virchow (1879) reported a case concerning simple bone cyst in 1879. Since Lucas (1929) was the first writer on the region of oral surgery, there have beenmany reports of this lesion in literature. Simple bone cyst is a cystic disease which is rare in jawbones. On the jawbone, the most common location of the disease is the mandible between the canine and ramus.<BR>We experienced two cases of simple bone cyst.<BR>Case 1: 12-year-old male.<BR>Chief complaint: Swelling of median mandibular.<BR>History of the present illness: 4 years ago, the Pt was struck at the median mandibular by other persons head, but he made favorable progrcss without symptoms.<BR>Electrical vitality test; 4321234 was vital.<BR>Roentgenogram: An orthopanoramic radiography showed a simple cystic lesion with well defined sclerotic margins at the apical area of 321123 tooth.<BR>Treatment: Extirpation of cyst and marsupialization.<BR>Histopathologic diagnosis; Thin connective tissue menbrane lining the cavity.<BR>Case 2: 32-year-old male.<BR>Chief complaint: Swelling at mandibular region.<BR>History of the present illness: 18 years ago, the Pt was struck in a sporting accident and suffered a bruise on the mandibular bone, But made favorable progress without symptoms.<BR>Electrical vitality test: 4321234 was vital.<BR>Roentgenogram: An orthpanoramic radiography showed a simple cystic lesion at the apical area of 321123 tooth.<BR>Treatment: Extirpation of cyst.<BR>Histopathologic diagnosis: Thin connective tissue menbrane lining the cavity.
朝倉 昭人
獨協医科大学 口腔外科
乙貫 典子
笠倉 達雄
神山 卓久
中山 晃
橋本 等
大場 正亮
坂元 晴彦
坂元 晴彦
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