骨移植における血管像の変化に関する実験的研究 : 形態学的研究およびマイクロスフェアー法による血行動態測定
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Vascularization of grafted bones has been the title of a number of morphological studies. However, there are few published papers following up dynamic changes of blood flow in process of vascularization. In view of these facts, I investigated a morphological study concerning vascularization of grafted bones and also diurnal dynamic changes of blood flow in grafted bones using the microsphere technique.<BR>Methods<BR>Using male wister rats as test animals, autologous tibia (about 1 cm) was grafted into the bipedicle tubed abdominal flap (4×2cm) established on the abdominal wall. The animals were sacrificed at 3 days, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after the bone graft, and pathological preparations and transparent preparations were prepared. Then, microsphere <SUP>125</SUP>I was injected into the left venticle immediately and at 3 days, 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after the operation, and radioactivities were counted by Beckman Ganma Radiation Counter. By using a Mutoh Desitizer, the bone reconstruction rate was determined.<BR>Group A...Tibia without periosteum<BR>Group B...Longitudinally-cut tibia without periosteum and marrow<BR>Results<BR>1. Vascularization in the bone grafted into the flap<BR>1) In both Groups A and B vascularity appeared at day 3 after the operation.<BR>2) Vascularization in the cortical bone of the grafted bone appeared earlier in Group B as compared to Grooup A.<BR>3) In Group A, the medullary vascularization almost completed in about 3 weeks, at which period vascularization in the cortical bone exceeded that observed in Group B.<BR>4) Changes in blood flow determined by the microsphere technique showed almost similar patterns for both Groups A and B: Namely, the blood flow showed an increasing tendency to reach its peak at week 2, followed by a decrease at week 3 and slight increase at week 4.<BR>2. Bone reconstruction associated with vascularization<BR>1) Bone reconstruction appeared at week 1 after the operation and it occurred in the region where accelerated vascularization was seen.<BR>2) In Group B, bone reconstruction started in the earlier stage and progressed gradually in the entire grafted bone. Until week 2, the bone reconstruction in Group B was superior to that in Group A.<BR>3) In Group A, the bone reconstruction exceeded that of Group B from week 2. In particular active bone reconstruction was seen in the medullary cavity where pronounced vascularization was observed.
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