マウス移植悪性腫瘍に対するイミダゾール化合物の放射線増感作用について : 第1報エールリッヒ固型癌に対するミソニダゾールの放射線増感作用
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The host immunoactivity has related effects of surgical-, radio-, chemo-therapy of malignant tumor.<BR>Then, this time, tumor growth delay effect of radiosensitizer misonidazole (MISO) was investigated by Ehrlich solid carcinoma bearing conventional ICR mice and nude ICR mice.<BR>Carcinoma cells were transplanted into the right thigh of each mice.<BR>The mice were divided into 3 groups i. e.(1) control group, (2) <SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy local single radiation dose group, (3) MISO 20mg+<SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy combination therapy group.<BR>There were no significant differences in tumor growth between conventional mice and nude mice on control group.<BR>In Cobalt-<SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy single radiation dose group of conventional mice were retarded tumor growth but nude mice tumor were not.<BR>On MISO 20mg+<SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy combination therapy, tumor growth was more retardative than single radiation dose on conventional and nude mice.<BR>In conventional mice, <SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy single radiation dose therapy was more effective than MISO 20mg+<SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy combination therapy in nude mice.
永井 哲夫
藤野 雅美
酒泉 和夫
佐藤 一人
瀬沼 滋
高門 渡
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- マウス移植悪性腫瘍に対するイミダゾール化合物の放射線増感作用について : 第1報エールリッヒ固型癌に対するミソニダゾールの放射線増感作用
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