Experimental radiosensitizer therapy for malignant tumor transplanted to nude and conventional mice. 2. Radiosensitive effect of dinitroimidazole ethanol for Ehrlich solid carcinoma.:(2) Radiosensitive effect of Dinitroimidazole ethanol for Ehrlich solid
- 論文の詳細を見る
Dinitroimidazole ethanol is a new radiosensitizer of hypoxic tumor cells.<BR>The purpose of our study is to compare the sensitizer enhancement of misonidazole and dinitroimidazole ethanol.<BR>Methods and evaluation: Battelle Columbus Laboratories Protocol.<BR>Radiation: <SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy local radiation. These radiosensitizers were administered into the mice's abdomen before 30 minutes of local irradiation <SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy.<BR>Tumor: Ehrlich solid carcinoma. On the first day of the experiment, 2-3 pieces of 1-3mm tumor blocks in Eagle's MEM medium were transplanted to subcutaneous region of the right thigh of each mouse.<BR>Subjects: Male conventional DDY mice, conventional ICR mice and nude ICR mice.(10 weeks, about 20g) Results: The most effective case was DNIE 10 mg+<SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy in DDY mice and second case was DNIE 10mg+<SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy in conventional ICR mice. There was no significant differences in tumor growth among the control group, <SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy group and DNIE 2mg+<SUP>60</SUP>Co 15 Gy group with regard to Ehrlich solid carcinoma.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
永井 哲夫
酒泉 和夫
佐藤 一人
瀬沼 滋
高門 渡
藤野 雅美
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