Two cases with basal cell nevus syndrome and a review of literature.
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Two cases with basal cell nevus syndrome and a review of literature are presented. Multiple jaw cysts, hypertelorism, palmer and planter pits, and a calcification of falx cerebri and of tentorium were observed in both cases.<BR>Beside this syndrome, a 22-year-old female (case 1) had a cleft lip-alveolus, and another 31-year-old woman (case 2) had a basal cell epithelioma in the occipital skin and bridging of sella turcica radiographically.<BR>Frequency of the cleft lip, alveolus, and/or palate with this syndome, including one casc of ours, was 12.8% and the incidence was far more frequent compared with the national avarage.<BR>Considering a high recurrence of odontogenic keratocysts, it was suggested that a sufficient curattage of the bony walls after the removal of cysts might be useful for the treatment of odontogenic keratocysts.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
茂木 健司
中田 力
増田 隆夫
坂下 正彦
土屋 浩
児玉 俊治
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