A case of lymphangiectatic fibrous polyp on the soft palate.
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A case of lymphangiectatic fibrous polyp on the soft palate was reported. A woman aged 78 came to the clinic with complaints of a polyp on soft palate and foreign body sensation in the throat, which had been noticed for approximately 2 weeks. Visual examination revealed a reddish pedunculated mass growing from right side of the soft palate. Its surface was almost smooth and partially papillate. A clinical diagnosis was made of a tumor of the soft palate. The polyp was removed from the soft palate under general anesthesia. Histological examinaton revealed fibrous tissue and many dilated lymphatic canals in the polyp. The polyp was finally diagnosed as a lymphangiectatic fibrous polyp. The postoperative course was uneventful with no sign of recurrence.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
玉井 健三
玉井 健三
加藤 隆三
藤元 栄輔
藤元 栄輔
加藤 隆三
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