Angina bullosa haemorrhagica (ABH) の4例
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The term Angina Bullosa Haemorrhagica (ABH) was first used by Badham (1967) to describe blood blisters on the oral mucosa which appeared to be unrelated to defined disorders such as bullous diseases or blood dyscrasias. He suggested that ABH occurred most often on the soft palate after eating toast or some other hard food or drinking hot drinks.<BR>Typically blood blisters occur singly and enlarge suddenly to two or three centimetres in diameter. They burst shortly afterwards and are found to have ragged erosions. After two or three days, epithelialisation begins from the margins or from numerous small islands within the larger erosions which healed without scarring.<BR>This paper presents case reports of four patients with ABH.
- 社団法人 日本口腔外科学会の論文
山岡 稔
松本歯科大 口腔顎顔面外科学講座
藤本 勝彦
村田 智明
小野 喜徳
山本 雅也
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