- 論文の詳細を見る
The purposes of this sutdy are to clarify the characteristics of cavitation erosion in piping line behind a butterfly valve and to propose the method of predicting the erosion resistance.<BR>One of the major obstructions in an experiment of cavitation erosion is taking a long time with the use of metal specimen. Therefore, the use of a substitutive material which had the fragile property to anti-cavitation erosion was proposed in this study and the similarity of the erosion characteristics was confirmed between the substitutive material and the real material.<BR>In the second stage of this study, the substitutive material was installed as pipe wall at a bend behind a butterfly valve. It was confirmed from observations and measuring the position of erosion that the erosion of the material was due to cavitation occured at the butterfly valve. Therefore the prediction of the erosion resistance in a real condition is possible from the result of the similarities of erosion characteristics of a substitutive material.
- 公益社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
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