- 論文の詳細を見る
To improve operational efficiency and safety, an expert system technology has been utilized widely for automating ships operations. In the present report an attempt is made to develop an expert system for sequential control of a marine diesel engine.<BR>At first the structure of a typical marine diesel engine with several subsystems is briefly introduced. Taking into account of the relations among many components of such subsystems, the procedures of sequential control are discussed. The procedures were described like“If- - -, Then- - -.”and build as the knowledge base in a computer. The knowledge base contains the rules not only for normal conditions but also for troubles.<BR>The reasoning engine of the expert system can select sequantially-proper operations and it can also suggest possible countermeasures in trouble conditions. Finally it is point-ed out that the expert system thus build can be utilized as an automated sequential operating system and also as a supp-orting system for marine engineers.
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