- 論文の詳細を見る
In developing marine engines, optimum specifications, which meet customers needs and market trends, well-balanced in various aspects such as reliability, performance and price, must be sought.<BR>Among the specifications, the engine weight has a close connection with the reliability and performance, and the reduction in engine weight, which leads to a larger cargo capacity and a more compact engine room of the ship, is one of the major factors.<BR>If the planning of the engine can be forwarded while estimating the engine weight accurately from the early stage of development, the optimum principal particulars of engine can be selected rationally and efficiently.<BR>In this study, the degree of influence of each item on the engine particulars has been analyzed by means of the weight simulation method for the low speed two-stroke cycle crosshead diesel engines.<BR>The fruits of this study can be summarized as follows.<BR>(1) The degree of influence of principal particulars on the total weight and specific weight per output of the engines has been analyzed and clarified quantitatively.<BR>(2) The simple evaluating formulas, by which the engine weight can be estimated and evaluated easily from the principal particulars when planning the engine, can be introduced by applying the results of these analyses.<BR>(3) It has been clarified that the principal particulars, which are most suitable for the specification being aimed at and have good balance, can be selected rationally by introducing the relationships between the principal particulars and the reliability and the performance together with these results of the engine weight analyses.
- 社団法人 日本マリンエンジニアリング学会の論文
平山 義則
平山 義則
小山田 哲也
小山田 哲也
三菱重工業 (株) 横浜研究所
平山 義則
三菱重工業 (株)
平山 義則
三菱重工業 (株) 横浜製作所
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