- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to assess the fluoride concentrations in surface enamel using a biopsy procedure, in relation to fluoride contens of drinking water in a fluoride area (Kitatsugaru, 0.3-3.2 F<SUP>-</SUP> ppm occuring naturally) and a fluoride-free area (Matsuo, 0.07 F<SUP>-</SUP> ppm in drinking water). Dental fluorosis was found in 12.9 percent (including moderate and severe cases) of 404 school children aged 6 to 11 years old (79 percent including questionable enamel mottling) in this fluoride area, which was reported in our previous paper (1975). This study also aims to investigate a parameter for distinguishing between dental fluorosis and nonfluoride opacities based on fluoride concentration in surface enamel in vivo. The subjects for biopsy samples were 39 school children aged 9 and 10 in the fluoride area and 11 subjects aged 9 and 10 from the fluoride-free area.<BR>A round filter paper disc (φ5mm) was put onto the labial surface of the maxillary central incisor. The disc was then impregnated with 10μl of 0.5 M perchloric acid using a micropipet. Exposure time of the tooth surface was 60 seconds. Fluoride was determined by means of a fluoride ion activity combination electrode (ORION, 69-09) and calcium by atomic absorption spectrophotometry.<BR>The results were as follows:<BR>The fluoride concentrations of the central incisors at the depth of approximate 4μm were 1490±549 ppm (Mean±S.D.) in the fluoride area and 939±432 ppm in the fluoride-free area. A significant difference of fluoride concentration in surface enamel was found between the fluoride ares and the fluoride-free area. Furthermore, a significant correlation was established between the fluoride concentration of surface enamel and both the actual concentrations of drinking water at present (r=+0.55, P<0.001) and the degree of dental fluorosis biopsyed (r=+0.35, p<0.05).<BR>These results suggest that a high concentration of fluoride in surface enamel seems to be mostly caused by the actual amount of fluoride in drinking water due to incorporation into surface enamel, rather than by an increase in the amount of fluoride ions present during enamel formation or pre-eruption. Regarding caries experience in these two areas, the DMFT Index was 1.34±1.69 in the fluoride area and 2.54±2.49 in the fluoride-free. area. It is suggested that the low caries incidence in the fluoride area resulted from an increase of fluoride content in surface enamel due to water-born fluoride after eruption.
- 有限責任中間法人 日本口腔衛生学会の論文
松田 和弘
岩手医科大学教養部 化学科
田沢 光正
飯島 洋一
高江洲 義矩
原田 潮
高江洲 義矩
田沢 光正
飯島 洋一
- PIXE分析の医学応用 (特集「PIXE分析法」)
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- 他の調製法 (Bio-PIXE その理論と応用(2)生物試料定量分析のための試料調製)
- 第5回NMCC共同利用研究成果発表会 印象記
- フッ素地区および非フッ素地区における永久歯の歯種別ウ蝕罹患性についての疫学的分析
- 青森県北津軽郡における斑状歯発生地域の飲料水中化学成分について
- 弘前市西部簡易水道地域における飲料水中フッ素の分布
- PIXE分析の医学応用
- エナメル質表層におけるフッ素濃度分布-2-エナメル質生検法による検討
- 北津軽郡の歯牙フッ素症発現地域における飲料水中フッ素濃度の変動について
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- エナメル質表層におけるフッ素濃度分布-3-短時間塗布による乳歯エナメル質表層のフッ素取りこみ量
- 乳歯エナメル質に取り込まれたフッ素の経時変化
- 他の調製法
- Distribution of Fluoride in Human Enamel Surfaces (I)